About Taylor Sullivan

Taylor is the proud mom of three (not-so-young-anymore) kids she loves more than life. She spends her days juggling their endless activities, hoping she looks presentable enough to be out in public, while writing stories inspired by the strangers she meets in her daily life. Maybe she's a little crazy, or maybe she just misses the Barbie games played with her sister when they were young—but that's where her stories are born. It’s where they blossom and grow, and eventually breathe life onto the pages of her books.

Taylor is drawn to the complexity and flaws of people. She believes that a life well lived is full of mistakes and that beauty is always found in imperfection. And yes, she believes in happy endings. She’s been married to the love of her life for 21 years after kissing way too many frogs.

She would love to hear from you! (Or I would love to hear from you… writing in 3rd person makes me sound way cooler.)